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Menna Rabie

Menna Rabie


About Menna Rabie

Menna is currently the Director of the DMZ Cairo incubator.

Menna has a track record of developing and implementing startup-building programs. She has worked with Rainmaking on corporate innovation and corporate – startups linkages; the GIZ on entrepreneurship education; and Bedaya Center for entrepreneurship, one of the first governmental centers to support entrepreneurship and SMEs.

A seasoned expert in international development cooperation, she has also worked with bi-lateral organizations such as the GIZ, and KfW, among others, to implement private sector development and job creation projects.

Driven by growth and impact, Menna is an enabler and an achiever. Thus, supporting startups and nurturing the natural talent that exists within entrepreneurs is her passion.

Menna studied Japanese for her undergraduate degree and is fascinated by different cultures and how their fusion can inspire positive change. She holds a master’s degree in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship from the University of Manchester, as a Chevening alumnus, and an MBA from ESLSCA business school.

Get to know Menna Rabie

What’s your favorite travel destination?
I love Italy (especially their food), and the UK, for its nature and beautiful parks

How do you relax?
Baking (sometimes)

What is your favorite movie of all time?
I’m more of a series person… I watched the 9 seasons of suits as though it was my full-time job

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Coming up with the right meme at the right time

What’s one thing people know you best for?
You can count on me to plan for a plan

What’s your favorite thing about Egypt?
Family, people, and the warm culture

What’s your go-to karaoke song?
A Japanese song called Love, Love, Love (that’s how I first came across Karaoke)