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Peter Bowie

Peter Bowie

Independent Director

About Peter Bowie

Peter is currently an Independent Director of the DMZ Venture Fund. Previously he was a board member of Magna International (Audit Committee), China Overseas Shipping Co. Ltd. (Cosco) (Strategic Development and Risk Committees), Cederberg Capital LLC (Chair). Uranium One (Compensation Committee Chair and Audit Committee); Deloitte China (CEO and Senior Partner); the Asian Corporate Governance Association; Deloitte LLP Global Governance Committee and Board; Deloitte Canada (Chair).

Peter was also a member of the Canadian Advanced Technology Association – CATA Innovation Leadership Council; the Dean’s Advisory Committee, Telfer School of Business, University of Ottawa; Chair, of the Advisory Committee; School of Accounting, School of Business, Tsinghua University, Beijing and an Advisor, China Development Research Foundation.

Formerly, he was a board member of the Asian Corporate Governance Association Council, and the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation Board as well as co-chair, University of Ottawa National Campaign; Chairman Ottawa-Carleton Economic Development Corporation and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario Council Member and president of the National Capital Region.

Peter is an investor and advisor in early-stage startup companies. He is a former CEO and senior partner Deloitte China and Chairman of Deloitte Canada. His other career experiences included Platform Computing (enterprise software) 2000 – 2003, where he was the chief corporate officer; Microsystems International Limited (Semiconductor design and manufacturing; Integrated Lighting Canada Limited (Manufacturing) and Nortel (Telecom manufacturing).

His awards and recognition include an honorary doctorate from University of Ottawa, a Fellow Institute of Chartered Accountants and Certified Public Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, and Fellow Australian Institute of Corporate Directors. Peter also holds a CCB.D from Competent Boards and was selected as a top 10 Financial Talents in China (2008).

Peter completed his B.Comm in economics from St. Mary’s University, his MBA from University of Ottawa before heading to the Harvard Business School for the Advanced Management program.