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Deniz Celebioglu

Deniz Celebioglu

Staff Member
Senior Programs Lead

About Deniz Celebioglu

Helping startup founders by program design and 1:1 mentorship support.

Deniz is a design thinker and a professional specializing in human-centered research, idea acceleration, and innovative programs design & management.

As a Sr. Programs Lead, Deniz supports our startup founders with 1:1 mentorships and program designs and implementations to scale their tech businesses. In addition to her current role, she is available to offer connections with the Turkish startup ecosystem.

Deniz was born and raised in Ankara, Turkiye. Her master’s degree in social sciences broadened her perspective on human aspects and reason.

She started her professional journey 10 years ago in Istanbul at the Turkiye’s leading conglomerate; Sabanci Holding’s industrial manufacturing company; Kordsa and then electricity distribution company; Enerjisa Enerji. She built corporate intrapreneurship programs from scratch and designed tailor-made corporate-startup partnerships. During her professional life, she received Design Thinking training from the Hasso Plattner Institut in Potsdam, Germany.

As of 2021, she became a first-gen immigrant in Canada and currently lives in Toronto.

Get to know Deniz Celebioglu

Alternative career choice?
A journalist/anchorwoman. To whet my appetite, I write for a Turkish news outlet as a political columnist from time to time.

Favourite shop?
Indigo! Bury me in the coffee table books section.

If you could learn how to do anything, what would it be?
Being a hyperpolyglot; high degree of proficiency in over 12 languages.

Which person, living or dead, would you have dinner with?
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the modern Turkiye.

Favourite childhood book?
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I always knew that Snape was a true gem.