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Janelle Hinds

Janelle Hinds

Founder, Helping Hands

About Janelle Hinds

While Janelle Hinds may not be well-known outside of the tech industry right now, the awe-inspiring Torontonian is an award-winning entrepreneur working hard to make the city a better place one student at a time. Hinds’ platform, Helping Hands, matches Ontario students with volunteer opportunities with local organizations in need of help.

The benefits are twofold: Students can give back, obtain the necessary community hours they need to graduate and find new experiences that can help improve their work experience while charities boost their ranks and better serve their communities. In what little free time Hinds has, she also volunteers as a program coordinator with local Toronto shelters where she delivers workshops to newcomer and racialized youth to build leadership skills and ensure all youth are active citizens.

“Learn to receive feedback. It’s difficult for many new entrepreneurs to separate criticisms of their ideas or execution from criticisms of who they are as a person. Understand that people giving you feedback are an invaluable resource for improving your business.”

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