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Mirela Pirlea

Mirela Pirlea

Lead Partnerships Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Ontario - Atlantic - West Canada, Desjardins

About Mirela Pirlea

Mirela is a great connector in the Canadian tech ecosystem. She is always looking for opportunities to bring partners together around a unifying cause and is thinking about how to support the wider ecosystem at Desjardins. She attends and facilitates many events nationwide to better support startups and youth.

Get to know Mirela Pirlea

What are your hopes for the next generation of women in tech?
My dream, and soon our reality, is to have women as an even stronger part of our economy: women as creators of tech innovative solutions, women as scientists and IP owners, women as business owners and new business founders. For all the women, I say: Dare to dream big. Be authentic. Be determined.

What’s the greatest piece of advice you’ve ever received?
'Don’t give up. You can do it.' My mother was a strong woman and encouraged me to find strength in myself and those who are close to me.