Nancy Spotton
Performance Coach & Team Connection Innovator
About Nancy Spotton
After 18 years leading marketing, tech, sales & sports teams that exceeded expectations, Nancy is now a top master performance coach, team connection innovator & and a passionate developer of next gen talent.
While leading a team of 47, Nancy was diagnosed with cancer. This changed her life and re-centered her to the space in the world where she really belongs – coaching.
After 2.5 years of fighting cancer, Nancy set a goal: to help 100 people succeed. That project sparked an obsession. She finished her Masters in Organizational Leadership and became a Master Coach in a psychometric assessment tool used exclusively by our Olympic teams and the Navy SEALs. She zagged in her corporate leadership journey and became a founder of MPWR Performance, a top professor of next gen talent in sport & tech, and a top coach focused on helping coaches perform to their next level.
MPWR Performance is a data-powered, strengths-focused, coach-led personalized communication system designed to drive maximum performance. Success comes from focusing on building foundational skills of strengths awareness, mental strength & flexibility & impactful communications – what we call the habits of champions.