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Snita Balsara

Snita Balsara

Investor, Graphite Ventures

About Snita Balsara

Snita is an investor with Graphite Ventures, a leading early-stage venture capital fund. She has been an investor for nearly a decade, starting with managing the portfolio for one of the Sharks on Shark Tank and then joining the MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund in 2016, which evolved into Graphite Ventures in 2021.

She is a founding member of the Canadian Women in VC Community, and the Diversity and Inclusion Small Council, a platform to help under-represented tech founders.

Get to know Snita Balsara

What are your hopes for the next generation of women in tech?
My hope for the next generation of women in tech is that they never wonder if 'its for them' - but rather that they see themselves in those that have paved a path, and have the courage to create their own!